Too much iCarly?
This Is John Galt Speaking
For 50 odd years, you have been asking: Who is John Galt?
This is John Galt speaking. I am the man who loves his life...
Ready To Go information technologies
Ready To Go information technologies
555 N. El Camino Real Suite A #341
San Clemente, CA 92672
+1 (949) 370-3069
Are you ready to go into 201O ?
Deck The Halls
Deck the halls with boughs of holly, Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Tis the season to be jolly, Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Ray Kurzweil Explains the Coming Singularity
Singularity, a point where an otherwise continuous mathematical progression becomes infinite.
The approaching Technological singularity is the idea that technological progress will reach such an infinite or extremely high value at a point in our near future. - Ray Kurzweil
Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel - Mele Kalikimaka
I have a little dreidel. I made it out of clay.
When it's dry and ready, then dreidel I shall play.
Oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made it out of clay.
Oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, then dreidel I shall play.
It has a lovely body, with legs so short and thin.
When it gets all tired, it drops and then I win!
Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, with leg so short and thin.
Oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, it drops and then I win!
My dreidel's always playful. It loves to dance and spin.
A happy game of dreidel, come play now let's begin.
Oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, it loves to dance and spin.
Oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel. Come play now let's begin.
I have a little dreidel. I made it out of clay.
When it's dry and ready, dreidel I shall play.
Oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made you out of clay.
Oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, then dreidel I shall play.
Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say
On a bright Hawaiian Christmas Day
That's the island greeting that we send to you
From the land where palm trees sway
Here we know that Christmas will be green and bright
The sun to shine by day and all the stars at night
Mele Kalikimaka is Hawaii's way
To say "Merry Christmas to you."
Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say
On a bright Hawaiian Christmas Day
That's the island greeting that we send to you
From the land where palm trees sway
Here we know that Christmas will be green and bright
The sun to shine by day and all the stars at night
Mele Kalikimaka is Hawaii's way
To say "Merry Christmas to you."
Peace On Earth
Natural Gas Powered Vehicle Options
What are my options for getting into an NGV So I can begin making a difference TODAY? via @CNGnow #CNG
The Little Saint Nick
Well, way up North where the air gets cold
There's a tale about Christmas that you've all been told
And a real famous cat all dressed up in red
And he spends the whole year workin' out on his sled.
It's the little Saint Nick
little Saint Nick
It's the little Saint Nick
little Saint Nick
Just a little bobsled, we call it ol' Saint Nick
But she'll walk a tobogan with a four speed stick
She's ol' candy apple red with a ski for a wheel
And when Santa hits the gas, man, just watch her peel.
It's the little Saint Nick little Saint Nick
It's the little Saint Nick little Saint Nick
run run reindeer
run run reindeer ahhhhhhhh
run run reindeer
run run reindeer we don't miss no one
He's hauling through the snow at a frightenin' speed,
With a half a dozen deer with a-Rudy to lead,
He's gotta wear his goggles 'cause the snow really flies
And he's cruisin' every pad with a little surprise.
It's the little Saint Nick
little Saint Nick
It's the little Saint Nick
little Saint Nick
ahh Ooooooo
Merry Christmas santa
Christmas comes this time each year
Merry Christmas santa
christmas comes this time each year!
The surfing Santa
I was just curious to know whether you got it from Dan King who was awarded the coveted surfing santa at a Guidopalooza years ago under the stipulation he would return with it or return it to me the following year. We lost track of Dan and the Santa after that and have never gotten a satisfactory reason why he never returned it. The one in the pic looks suspiciously like the original (attached pic) If it is the one and same I was wondering if you'd be agreeable to sending him home. Thanks NeoN.
Great to hear from you Foondoggie!
Not the same Surfing Santa, But I would be willing to donate to the cause in the spirit of Ohana handed down to me by the great Tubesteak.
Lisa McClure wants to know who the sucker is we get to send it to????
Like many American outsider-adventurers, Dorian "Doc" Paskowitz set out to realize a utopian dream. Abandoning a successful medical practice, he sought self-fulfillment by taking up the nomadic life of a surfer. But unlike other American searchers like Thoreau or Kerouac, Paskowitz took his wife and nine children along for the ride, all eleven of them living in a 24 foot camper. Together, they lived a life that would be unfathomable to most, but enviable to anyone who ever relinquished their dreams to a straight job. The Paskowitz Family proved that America may be running out of frontiers, but it hasn't run out of frontiersman.
The Polyphonic Spree - Light & Day
Light and day is more than you'll say
Because all
My feelings are more
Than I can let by
Or not
More than you've got
Just follow the day
Follow the day and reach for the sun!
You don't see me flyin to the red
One more you're done
Just follow the seasons and find the time
Reach for the bright side
You don't see me flyin to the red
One more you're nuts
Just follow the day
Follow the day and reach for the sun
Just follow the day
Follow the day and reach for the sun!
You don't see me flyin to the red
One more you're nuts
Just follow the seasons and find the time
Reach for the bright side
You don't see me flyin to the red
One more you're nuts
Just follow the day
Follow the day and reach for the sun!
Just follow the day
Follow the day and reach for the sun!
Just follow the day
Follow the day and reach for the sun!
Third Stone From The Sun
Hendrix : Star fleet to scout ship, please give your position. Over.
Chandler : I am in orbit around the third planet of star known as sun. Over.
Hendrix : May this be Earth? Over.
Chandler : Positive. It is known to have some form of intelligent species. Over.
Hendrix : I think we should take a look...
Go BIG or Go HOME!
WOOT OUT! to SC local Greg Long for winning the 2009 Quiksilver In Memory of Eddie Aikau Big Wave Invitational.
Growing up we knew it was time to go home when the Disneyland fireworks went off & all of our friends either worked at the Big A or the House of Mouse...
In the spirit of going back to our roots watch this the very first episode of the Disney anthology television series, AKA Wonderful World of Disney & Premiered on October 27, 1954.
Make Mine Freedom
On this Pearl Harbor day, We give you, "Fun Facts About America" this Cold War-era cartoon uses humor to tout the dangers of Communism & the benefits of Capitalism.
Make Mine Freedom.
The Hero's Journey
Welcome to the Monomyth, Our hero begins in the ordinary world & receives a call to enter the unknown world of strange powers & events...
Who is your hero?
Marshall McLuhan On Connecting
We have laid out our own electric networks on a global scale by cable, by telegraph, by radio, by all sorts of electric means.
These circuits are loaded with data that move instantly and which have become indispensable to all decision makers in business, in education, and in politics.
These circuits have a peculiar character not just of connecting us with one another but of involving us with one another.
It is because of the speed. With circuitry the feedback occurs at the same moment the event occurs. - Marshall McLuhan
Google DNS Setup
What is DNS? Learn about DNS & then update your DNS settings for safer surfing with Googles new public DNS servers, &
Mikey the stereo iPhone mic from Blue
My iPhone Blog review of Mikey from Blue.
The CD quality stereo microphone for your iPhone,
for use with the FREE FREE FREE Blue-FiRE app
World Aids Day
Because a society is measured by how it treats the weak and vulnerable,
We must strive to build a culture of life. - George W. Bush
The Quality of Listening by Jack Kornfield
In Africa. There is a story that illustrates the quality of listening that can come through meditation. In a particular east african tribe or village. When a child is born they don't count the birthday of that child from the day the child comes from its mothers body or even the day it is conceived as in certain other cultures, but rather from when that child was first a thought in its mothers mind, that is the real birthday. And as soon as the mother realizes that she would like to have a child with this particular partner, She will go off and sit out in a field under a tree, and listen, and wait until she can hear the song of the child that wants to be born in her heart that will come from the wedding or the coming together with this particular man. And when she hears this song, she sings it to herself, and then returns back to the village and teaches it to her partner so that when they make love together, joined together in love, They sing this song and invite this child to be born. And later as She is pregnant. She sings the song to the child in the womb and teachers it to midwives so that when the child is born. The first song or sound that it hears is those gathered around singing its own unique song. And as the child grows. The people of the village learn the song of this person so that when he falls or she falls and hurts herself. someone picts her up and sings her song to her, or in the rites of passage or rituals of the village the song is sung, the wedding ceremony where both songs are sung until finally even at the end of life, the song of this child now as an old man or women. is sung for the last time, and say their last words...
When I first heard the story in it touched in me a longing to live in a place where we heard one another's songs, where we were so in tune with ourselves and with one another that we could greet each other in that way, to meditate allows us to hear the song within ourself and to be respectful and hear the song of those around us. - Jack Kornfield
Do you know your song? Can you hear the song of others? Take the time to listen.
San Onofre Thanksgiving Potluck
It takes a beach to raise a child, and when the beach gets together for Thanksgiving LOOKOUT!
Thankful for Ohana
Ohana was a new word to me when I moved to San Clemente. From Wikipedia Ohana is defined:
Part of Hawaiian culture, ʻohana means family in an extended sense of the term including blood-related, adoptive or intentional. It emphasizes that family are bound together and members must cooperate and remember one another.
Today Darin and I will join a bunch of our Ohana at San Onofre Beach for the traditional Thanksgiving grub. I find it still so remarkable how we are all so very interconnected and interdependent upon one another. It's proven to me more and more that magic happens when we share and dream together.
Today I am thankful for Ohana. Bringing people into your life is a gift. Reach out. Don't be afraid.
Happy Thanksgiving Surfrider!
More With Less, a very special Thank You from @RTGit to the @Surfrider Foundation.
How are you doing More with Less?
Alan Watts What Does It All Mean?
"Atheism in the name of God is an abandonment of all religious beliefs . . . giving up the attempt to make sense of the world in terms of any fixed idea or intellectual system. It is becoming again as a child and laying oneself open to reality as it is actually and directly felt, experiencing it without trying to categorize, identify or name it." -Alan Watts
Orange County Aerial Video Productions
John Stawarz aka WaRZ, aka Video Skyking here at RTGit with a few low passes of San Onofre via FlipHD. Got Arial Shots?
Soundtrack, Message From Art, Live! by The Joe LaBarbera Quintet
Sabona Means I See You
Take 10 min to watch the Serendipity Engine talk by Chris Brogan about listening.
From the Web 2.0 Expo in New York
Sabona Means I See You and is anchored in the Zulu culture where reconciliation is a fundamental element for progression as a person and as a society.
Photosynth How To
A Photosynth is a way of using your digital camera to really grab a space and time.
Yesterday I visited my Friends Drew and Maria Brophy and shot the synth above in about 15 min.
Check out some more cool Photosynths at
Internet Lexicon
What we define here as the Internet Lexicon is the collection of strange acroymns and terminology which has sprung up on the world wide web. There is a culture on the internet evolving. You don't necessarily have to pepper your Tweets and Comments and Posts with LOL, OMG, ROFLOL. We find that one of the barriers to people feeling comfortable on the web is that they don't understand some of the cultural .... (for lack of a better word) terms and behaviors.
This is where we have a light hearted list. A little cheat sheet that we add to so you can educate yourself on this new space developing right before our eyes and at our fingertips. If you have items you think belong on this list please send them are way.
We watch on like Jane Goodall. Think of yourself as a social anthropologist studying the evolution of how people communicate and form relationships. With that spirit take part and enjoy the engagement.
Acronym Overload
There is also a prolific usage of all kinds of acronyms on the internet. LOL is probably one of the most widely adapted. I see reference to these acroymns more and more in non digital places.
RTG Ready To Go, our very name. You are now RTG!
IT Infomation Technology, the IT department, where you get all things tech answered
IRL in real life
LOL laugh out loud, laughing out loud
RTM Remember The Milk, one of my current favorite productivity products
OMG Oh My God/goodness
Other points
Writing in all caps can be considered rude in some circumstances and analogous to shouting.
Join The Anti-ASCII Alliance
Do you really want to shock someone in this day of text messaging?
Reach out with a phone call. Marketing San Clemente (949) 336-2495
Getting In Touch With Literacy 2009
The Surf's Up in California Time to Get on Board!
Getting In Touch With Literacy Conference
November 12-15, 2009 Orange County, Costa Mesa California
This weekend I am going to Costa Mesa to check out the Getting In Touch With Literacy 2009 conference. The list of keynote speakers is remarkable. Assistive technology has really changed the landscape for the blind and visually impaired.
A professor Sunggye Hong, a Ph.D., Assistant Professor at San Francisco State University is giving a workshop on how "the new digital social interaction methods can create both challenges and opportunities for those with visual impairments." The shift in how people communicate affects us all. Having an opportunity to watch these inventive and inspired educators use technology to connect and teach their students gives me a chance to reflect on how technology is changing how we all communicate and to reevaluate what can be accomplished with our tools.
For more information on this remarkable and unique internation conference please visit their conference web site at
Happy Friday the 13th
It's Friday the 13th & my Grammy Joe, who was born on Friday the 13th, told me, and I am telling you now, today is a lucky day! Ready to go!
Park Del Mar The Semper Fi Marine Monument of San Clemente
Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they ever made a difference in the world. The Marines don't have that problem - President Ronald Reagan
You Are Cordially Invited…
Park Del Mar The Semper Fi Marine Monument
San Clemente Pier Bowl
Memorial Day Remembrance
Monday, May 30th, 2011
1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Guest Speaker Lt. Col Carlton W. Hasle, CO HMLA-367
San Clemente's Adopted Marine Corps Squadron
Meet the Men from HMLA-367
Music by Pete Jacobs, Wartime Radio Revue Swing Big Band
Seating Limited, large grass area for overflow.
Download Flyer
![]() |
The Marine Monument of San Clemente |
Ride The Google Wave
What is Google Wave? Well if you are a customer of Ready To Go information technologies you should be checking your email boxes for your invites! Got Wave? soon you will... Ready to go!
Twitter Gifting
My first antidote to the "I-ness" issue is something called Twitter Gifting.
Look at your list of followers. Who are they? What information or entertainment can you send their way? How can you acknowledge them? Engagement begins with acknowledgement and to make a friendly thoughtful gesture is the best way to open up a conversation.
We Aren't Our Numbers
The Dunbar Number intrigues me and there does seem to be an upper limit to how many people you can hold a meaningful conversation with. However, the numbers game is fruitless, people jockeying for the most amount of followers annoys me, we aren't competing for who has the longest contact list. It's about the discussion. Who are you influencing? What information are you sharing? What conversations are you starting and nurturing?
Let's talk quality. Let's build a resource. Let's connect. My first suggestion is Twitter Gifting.
1. bring something to the conversation
2. show that you care, that you looked at who they are, that you listen
3. wrap it cleverly and with care
a. include their @username
b. make your Tweet a bit short for easy retweeting
c. use or a link shortener
d. give hint to the content, use descriptive language
4. Words to the wise. Always view the complete item before you forward.
Twitter Gifting is our first in a list of antidotes to the issue of "I-ness."
Now you are Ready To Go and become part of the conversation.
Mutant Poodle Found In Dana Point California
It's not everyday that you see a purple cow walking down the street...
You look fabulous dahrling! But, Do You Got Otaku?
A Conversation With Myself
But I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything. - Alan Watts
How to Search Twitter Real Time
Twitter's saved searches open up the Twitter-verse. By searching for your keywords you can connect with the conversations that you are most interested in. Connecting and building via shared interests builds a dynamic community which not only gives you a platform to spread your message but also keeps you informed of new information and new networks to explore.
You are now Ready To Go!
Join the Twitter Conversation
But I don't care what breakfast cereal you are eating at the moment ...When I hear comments like that I cringe. Not because I don't share the sentiment but because they are missing out on the amazing opportunities available from Twitter. But to get the goodness you must join the conversation.
Here are three simple steps for you to start taking part.
On your Twitter home page in the upper right hand corner right you will find where this magic takes place.
1. Check your @'s
When people send you messages and address you in conversations it is addressed as @yourusername. To make sure you are hearing people be sure to check your @s.
2. Check your DMs
DMs (Direct Messages) are the private chat of Twitter. You may only receive DMs from those you follow. DMs are private messages and are not seen in your time line.
3. Twitter is search. Real live action search of what is going on in the collective consciousness. Set searches to find conversations about your interests to plug into the conversations of your choise. If you are searching for a two word phrase use quotes to find that phrase.
Enter your keyword or keyword phrase, add quotations to search for that combination of words by pressing the image of the looking glass.
Save searches for easy reference and consistent monitoring. They will appear in the right hand column of your page for your convenience. You will be able to monitor and stay track of conversations involving topics of your choice at the push of a button.
Join the conversation. See you on the interwebs!
Toyota Surfrider CNG Hybrid
Just the other day I was dreaming on Twitter about how much I wanted a Plug-in CNG Hybrid, that way if I ran outta CNG I could plugin and get to a pump. I could not contain my excitement this morning while looking through my Reader items. I came across a link to a @Surfrider @Toyota CNG hybrid. OMG! I am so going to SanO to photosynth and flip it!
"The current benefits of CNG are amplified by rapidly changing market
conditions and an increase in consumer environmental awareness. As a
transport fuel, natural gas is a clean and safe gasoline alternative.
It can potentially reduce U.S. dependency on foreign oil and reduce
vehicle operating costs. Currently, more than 99 percent of natural
gas used in the U.S. comes from domestic and other American sources.
The CNG system was built by Metal Crafters of Fountain Valley, Calif.
To convert the stock Camry Hybrid to a CNG vehicle, the gasoline fuel
system was replaced with a CNG system in the spare tire well area." via CarPicts
Way bitchen, but it will need racks for my longboards. #ToyotaSurfriderCNGHybreed
BWE09 or BUST via CNG

Filling the Ready To Go Information Technologies Honda Civic GX for our trip to Blog World & New Media Expo. It's a natural gas car and again the cleanest internal-combustion vehicle in the world according to the EPA. This year we made it to Barstow from the Sand Canyon fill station in Irvine with no problem, AC Blasting, keeping up with the flow. Year two to Blog World powered on compressed natural gas to find that Ford was on site with a booth and a ride with the most beautiful black paint job I have ever seen.
I made sure to stop in and thank them for not taking money in the bail out. I also begged them to make a CNG anything! We would buy it, that and a home fueling station! ( What happened to the Phill website??) Boone you buy it?
Sharing is good, Lisa calls me Ferris, Chris would prolly back her up on that. As long as I can rememeber I have felt the lure of great music and cool tools. I seem to find myself at a place, look around and wonder, WHERE IS EVERYONE? The next thing I think is WOW I GOTTA SHARE THIS!
The internet has speed up the process and now it is a skill set to be a trend spotter and be able to catch the next wave before most of the other surfers have even noted the swell on the horizon. Luck or skill? Perhaps a bit of both, but it sure is a long string of serendipitous events that brought me to buy a CNG auto prior to the being of Gulf War V.2, Natural gas being 62 cents a gallon to fill at the time. Imagine the ribbing I took from friends and colleagues when I bought my that first GX, that "PROPAIN" Car, that "BBQ" mobile. It did not matter that driven through Los Angeles it was actualy cleaning the air or that the fuel was home grown and plentiful.
Years later, I am in my Second GX, and now when I pull into the service station to fill the tires, or wash the windows, not one, not two but sometimes as many as three people want to know where I got it, what I paid for it, where they can get one and why don't they hear more about CNG on the news. I give them the low down on the GX and then let them know when the time comes and Ella is driving and we are living in the Hydrogen age, it will only take a chip change out to move the GX from CNG to Hydrogen.
Enter the Pickens Plan, T-Boone Picken's idea to use wind power and natural gas to wean our nation off our dependence on foreign oil, now rated by our Pentagon to be a national security threat. I would personaly like to welcome T. Boone to the ranks of those taking action, jumping in alternative fuel automobiles and turning the course of this ship of state one tank at a time.
If Not Us Who? If Not Now When? This is just the first step on our way to energy independence a clean safe world for our children and a happier healthy YOU!!!
Ready to go with the National Blog Posting Month #NaBloPoMo
National Blog Posting Month for folks who want to get into the habit of blogging by doing it every day for a month, including weekends!
Get Blogging!
San Clemente Pier Bowl
The San Clemente Pier Bowl, where the good life comes in waves.
About @RTGit
ESTP - "Promotor". Action! When present, things begin to happen. Fiercely competitive. Entrepreneur. Often uses shock effect to get attention. Negotiator par excellence. 4.3% of total population. Content, emotionally stable, outgoing, social, group oriented, finisher, does not like to be alone, open, decisive, likes external praise, likes to be center of attention, always joking, adjusts easily, likes crowds, self confident, neutral moods, good at getting people to have fun, disorganized, messy, talented at presentation, can be easily annoyed...
Got Action?
Conversations: the E's and I's of It
The E's and The I's
Have you ever heard of the Myers-Briggs Personality Test. We have found it really interesting. Whether I take the six point quiz on Facebook or the longer more elaborate questionnaires I always end with the same result, ISFJ. Darin consistently is labeled an ESTP. The Myers-Brigg evaluation is expressed in four different quadrants where our personalities range between two qualities. The letters stand for that quality.
Extroversion / Introversion
Sensing / Intuition (N)
Thinking / Feeling
Judging / Perceiving
And I was thinking about the Extroversion and Introversion element. I see evidence of Darin's "E-ness" and my "I-ness" all over the place. This doesn't mean simply that Darin is an Extrovert and I am an Introvert, that isn't it. Extroversion in the Myers-Briggs test describes the personality who's primary interaction with the world is expressed externally. Action, interacting with others is what feeds them. They live externally and their primary experience is of things external. The absence of action and external stimulation depletes them. Introverts, the I's, their experience is an internal one. They recharge with reflection, thought and contemplation.
Our activities online really reflect this dichotomy. Darin is very chatty and part of many conversations and groups. He instigates action and reaches out immediately. Darin often jokes that he has been Twittering his whole life as his email are characteristically short and to the point. My activities tend to be more reflective and contemplative. Much more the listening side.
This year's Blog World Expo was a lesson in engagement and that first lesson for me was one of reciprocity. I follow a lot of the same people as Darin. I look through their streams and Darin and I speak of our Twitter friends like we speak of any one we know IRL (IRL = in real life). But I don't always reach out. What has developed is that I have a group of individuals that I have only engaged with on one level. One half of the conversation does not a conversation make. I am listening but how would they ever know?
We probably all fall to one side of the spectrum or the other. The Extroverts of the world will naturally be more comfortable initiating relationships and enjoying the speed and brevity of microblogging. Introverts may feel more fulfilled having longer more elaborate blogs. While they may excel in listening there won't be a conversation or a relationship unless action takes place. Because unlike in real life (IRL) on the internet if you don't comment or let them know you are listening they just don't know.
The conversation has to be reciprocal. That takes action. Give and take. Yin and Yang.
I will be sharing my antidotes to my "I-ness."
The E's out there may find them helpful too.
And then I will have some adventures to share with you.
;) Lisa
I-ness Antidote: Twitter Gifting
Have you ever heard of the Myers-Briggs Personality Test. We have found it really interesting. Whether I take the six point quiz on Facebook or the longer more elaborate questionnaires I always end with the same result, ISFJ. Darin consistently is labeled an ESTP. The Myers-Brigg evaluation is expressed in four different quadrants where our personalities range between two qualities. The letters stand for that quality.
Extroversion / Introversion
Sensing / Intuition (N)
Thinking / Feeling
Judging / Perceiving
And I was thinking about the Extroversion and Introversion element. I see evidence of Darin's "E-ness" and my "I-ness" all over the place. This doesn't mean simply that Darin is an Extrovert and I am an Introvert, that isn't it. Extroversion in the Myers-Briggs test describes the personality who's primary interaction with the world is expressed externally. Action, interacting with others is what feeds them. They live externally and their primary experience is of things external. The absence of action and external stimulation depletes them. Introverts, the I's, their experience is an internal one. They recharge with reflection, thought and contemplation.
Our activities online really reflect this dichotomy. Darin is very chatty and part of many conversations and groups. He instigates action and reaches out immediately. Darin often jokes that he has been Twittering his whole life as his email are characteristically short and to the point. My activities tend to be more reflective and contemplative. Much more the listening side.
This year's Blog World Expo was a lesson in engagement and that first lesson for me was one of reciprocity. I follow a lot of the same people as Darin. I look through their streams and Darin and I speak of our Twitter friends like we speak of any one we know IRL (IRL = in real life). But I don't always reach out. What has developed is that I have a group of individuals that I have only engaged with on one level. One half of the conversation does not a conversation make. I am listening but how would they ever know?
We probably all fall to one side of the spectrum or the other. The Extroverts of the world will naturally be more comfortable initiating relationships and enjoying the speed and brevity of microblogging. Introverts may feel more fulfilled having longer more elaborate blogs. While they may excel in listening there won't be a conversation or a relationship unless action takes place. Because unlike in real life (IRL) on the internet if you don't comment or let them know you are listening they just don't know.
The conversation has to be reciprocal. That takes action. Give and take. Yin and Yang.
I will be sharing my antidotes to my "I-ness."
The E's out there may find them helpful too.
And then I will have some adventures to share with you.
;) Lisa
I-ness Antidote: Twitter Gifting
Our Services
RTGit provides web hosting, web design along with the services of search engine optimization, reputation management and what was once called social media. We prefer conversational media because you don't have a social, you have a conversation.
What is not measured is not managed.
A surprising amount of website owners do not look at their analytics. Maybe people are intimidated by numbers and graphs? Analytics can give you great information, insights and opportunities. We believe each business owner should be actively involved and engaged in their analytics. Your website is representing you online and has the unique ability to collect data in a way a brick and mortar store cannot. You need to know who is visiting and what they are looking for. How else will you help them? How else can you grow your business? We help you with this.
Set up objectives and your definition of success.
Everyone wants all the traffic they can get. Everyone wants first place in Google. But is that really the proper definition of success for you? Learning the lexicon of your customers, analyzing their needs and finding their communities online is where your strategy needs to begin.
Web Site Hosting & Design
Web site design begins with objectives and functionality. Web sites are no longer the static brochures that they have been in the past. Web sites are dynamic hubs of activity and conversation. Web sites should be built to meet your goals whether that is conversions for your business, donations for your non profit, spreading your message, sharing a new product line, campaigning for a cause or pure self expression. Web sites tell your story and become the digital representation of you online. The days of the Yellow Pages are over. We design sites to help you meet your objectives and to grow your identity online.
Search Engine Optimization
The process of making your site easy to find on the internet via search engines is the crux of search engine optimization. Discovering the keywords and phrases which will draw the traffic you are targeting, analyzing data to insure you are serving your visitors and building organic landing pages with relevant, recent and local content to serve your clients and potential clients.
Reputation Management and Trending Topics
Opportunity and Synchronicity come to those who are prepared and listening.
Sometimes we don't know what we don't know. But don't worry there is an app for that. We can show you strategies to gather and aggregate timely and important information which can help you stay abreast of anything from industry new, trending topics, social change to what is being said online regarding your company.
Conversational Media Campaign
Be the media. Creative Media Making.
Tapping into web conversations to engage with your community in order to contribute and convert. When at least 25% of top search engine placement is from user generated content it behooves anyone with an investment in their internet presence to become a media maker. The media makers are shifting from the large corporate networks to small grassroots production. You would be amazed at what can be done with an iPhone. And we will teach you how to make and share that media and even more importantly how to monitor and take part in the conversation which follows.
For more information on how our services can get you Ready To Go contact us at Ready To Go Information Technologies.
What is not measured is not managed.
A surprising amount of website owners do not look at their analytics. Maybe people are intimidated by numbers and graphs? Analytics can give you great information, insights and opportunities. We believe each business owner should be actively involved and engaged in their analytics. Your website is representing you online and has the unique ability to collect data in a way a brick and mortar store cannot. You need to know who is visiting and what they are looking for. How else will you help them? How else can you grow your business? We help you with this.
Set up objectives and your definition of success.
Everyone wants all the traffic they can get. Everyone wants first place in Google. But is that really the proper definition of success for you? Learning the lexicon of your customers, analyzing their needs and finding their communities online is where your strategy needs to begin.
Web Site Hosting & Design
Web site design begins with objectives and functionality. Web sites are no longer the static brochures that they have been in the past. Web sites are dynamic hubs of activity and conversation. Web sites should be built to meet your goals whether that is conversions for your business, donations for your non profit, spreading your message, sharing a new product line, campaigning for a cause or pure self expression. Web sites tell your story and become the digital representation of you online. The days of the Yellow Pages are over. We design sites to help you meet your objectives and to grow your identity online.
Search Engine Optimization
The process of making your site easy to find on the internet via search engines is the crux of search engine optimization. Discovering the keywords and phrases which will draw the traffic you are targeting, analyzing data to insure you are serving your visitors and building organic landing pages with relevant, recent and local content to serve your clients and potential clients.
Reputation Management and Trending Topics
Opportunity and Synchronicity come to those who are prepared and listening.
Sometimes we don't know what we don't know. But don't worry there is an app for that. We can show you strategies to gather and aggregate timely and important information which can help you stay abreast of anything from industry new, trending topics, social change to what is being said online regarding your company.
Conversational Media Campaign
Be the media. Creative Media Making.
Tapping into web conversations to engage with your community in order to contribute and convert. When at least 25% of top search engine placement is from user generated content it behooves anyone with an investment in their internet presence to become a media maker. The media makers are shifting from the large corporate networks to small grassroots production. You would be amazed at what can be done with an iPhone. And we will teach you how to make and share that media and even more importantly how to monitor and take part in the conversation which follows.
For more information on how our services can get you Ready To Go contact us at Ready To Go Information Technologies.
Vista and Me; Part Deux
So all in all it took me just under three hours to have a video chat via Google Talk. I considered myself a lucky duck, to complete this task, without tech support from India. That was until I saw a television commercial for Windows 7.
This guy who claims to be a PC, is walking though his house bragging about how his laptop is playing music from a computer in a different room. Another laptop is streaming movies to the TV. He can print photos from anywhere in his house, and watch the latest stock reports on anything with a LCD screen, as he gingerly saunters from room to room. All is well in the world, because he uses Windows 7.
Is this how my life should be? How could this be? Did he throw out all his old computers and stuff and buy twenty-five grand of gear to live in this Nirvana? Even if he did wouldn't there be hours loading music and movies. What about the horror of seeing the printer in the network window but still not being able to print. How about his low tech wife who keeps on downloading pretty screen savers with embedded viruses. What about that TV, did he just get lucky that it has the hardware for just this type of wireless connectivity? And I wish he mentioned what model of magic router allows all these devices to work together without any IP conflicts. Or maybe Windows 7 is really magic that can transform all your current appliances into sentient beings.. . but I digress. . .
My question now is do I muddle through with the Vista that I have or cross over to the Valhalla that is Windows 7. Even if I upgrade the install process will most likely set me back a few more hours, not to mention some more cash.
The saga will continue . . . in part 3 coming on Monday.
Vista and Me
With all the hub-bub about Windows 7 lately, I am wondering what this might mean to our future, or at the very least the future of my Toshiba Satellite M205 Laptop.
I purchased my Toshiba Satellite M205 Laptop when a freak "kicked power cord" accident prematurely ended my Acer 15" XP running duty cyle. While I'm not a devote techie, I know how to shop for a computer, at least I thought I did. The Satellite had some impressive specs, I was sure that this puppy would scream, at least in the XP world that I was used to. I plunked down my $700 at Circuit City and went home like a warrior with a fresh kill to feed his village.
Upon the 1st power up I was bitten by The Vista Bug, and it was incurable. The Toshiba Satellite M205 Laptop is not capable of running XP, at least not without following a gazillion step process of finding and installing various drivers and other deep tech tasks. My choices were Brick or Vista. The result was somewhere in the middle. The machine was dreadfully slow. It has all the Vista trappings, there was the constant battle with pop-ups, and it seemed like it was in a perpetual state of updates. I did not lose hope! This was a dual core machine with 2 gigs of ram, it must need just a bit more help, so back to the store, for 4 gigs of ram. (when in doubt add ram). Once installed and rebooted, I was faced with the fact that Vista can only use 3 Gigs of ram. The full 4 gigs is there and working correctly but the system just doesn't use it. You think the guys selling the ram would of mentioned that.
So now this laptop is turning into a hobby project rather than a business tool. Once I tried to install Apple's safari and itunes. The programs would disappear at the next restart. I tried the install 3 times with the same results. Then just gave up. I re-installed vista from the back-up disks, turned system options off and on, and after a long while found Vista to be kind of stable, kind of okay.
It is what it is.
I work on a desktop 90% of the time so the laptop really just became a nice office decoration, that I used basically as an expensive net-book. I have now reached a point where I needed the Laptop for a video conference through Google Talk, simple right? Not a chance. The camera and mic work fine , expect there is some conflict that when used through the browser does not allow me to see my image or the image from the other camera. Two hours of surfing led me to the answer that I need to install Vista Service Pack 1, to fix this problem. I started this a 10:45am EST, its now 12:17 and I'm at Stage 1 of 3 84% complete.
The saga will continue . . . in part 2 coming on Friday.
I purchased my Toshiba Satellite M205 Laptop when a freak "kicked power cord" accident prematurely ended my Acer 15" XP running duty cyle. While I'm not a devote techie, I know how to shop for a computer, at least I thought I did. The Satellite had some impressive specs, I was sure that this puppy would scream, at least in the XP world that I was used to. I plunked down my $700 at Circuit City and went home like a warrior with a fresh kill to feed his village.
Upon the 1st power up I was bitten by The Vista Bug, and it was incurable. The Toshiba Satellite M205 Laptop is not capable of running XP, at least not without following a gazillion step process of finding and installing various drivers and other deep tech tasks. My choices were Brick or Vista. The result was somewhere in the middle. The machine was dreadfully slow. It has all the Vista trappings, there was the constant battle with pop-ups, and it seemed like it was in a perpetual state of updates. I did not lose hope! This was a dual core machine with 2 gigs of ram, it must need just a bit more help, so back to the store, for 4 gigs of ram. (when in doubt add ram). Once installed and rebooted, I was faced with the fact that Vista can only use 3 Gigs of ram. The full 4 gigs is there and working correctly but the system just doesn't use it. You think the guys selling the ram would of mentioned that.
So now this laptop is turning into a hobby project rather than a business tool. Once I tried to install Apple's safari and itunes. The programs would disappear at the next restart. I tried the install 3 times with the same results. Then just gave up. I re-installed vista from the back-up disks, turned system options off and on, and after a long while found Vista to be kind of stable, kind of okay.
It is what it is.
I work on a desktop 90% of the time so the laptop really just became a nice office decoration, that I used basically as an expensive net-book. I have now reached a point where I needed the Laptop for a video conference through Google Talk, simple right? Not a chance. The camera and mic work fine , expect there is some conflict that when used through the browser does not allow me to see my image or the image from the other camera. Two hours of surfing led me to the answer that I need to install Vista Service Pack 1, to fix this problem. I started this a 10:45am EST, its now 12:17 and I'm at Stage 1 of 3 84% complete.
The saga will continue . . . in part 2 coming on Friday.
Our Values and Ideas
Ideas matter. Ideas have wings.
Conversational media sites will come and go, technology will evolve more and more rapidly but the underlying ideas are what is circulating. The power and strength of the ideas behind your message matter and it is the ideas which propel themselves.
We like to share compelling ideas with you. One of our favorite sources is Cross pollinating ideas from other disciplines is powerful. Sharing stories with each other has been how we humans have always shared ideas. Nothing has changed, but now our tools are phenomenal.
Our tools are phenomenal, but unlike an appliance, a tool denotes a certain level of skill. By investing in our tools we can learn how to maximize the message of our ideas. Joining the online conversation is modern literacy and should be enjoyed by all who wish to take part. We believe in sharing the skills of conversational media and to empower all to take part.
The freedom of information granted via the internet, whether it be citizen journalism capturing live events as they happen, people with common interests and common goals uniting from all corners of the globe, to niche businesses finding unique markets and creative partnerships. It's powerful, it's new and we can make great things happen.
Ohana is the Hawaiian word for "family" and is defined in wikipedia as "family in an extended sense of the term including blood-related, adoptive or intentional." It also emphasizes that "families are bound together and members must cooperate and remember one another." In the spirit of Ohana we would like to honor two families whose ideas are near and dear to our hearts.
Everyone lives downstream, Clean Air. Clean Water.
We are proud supporters of The Surfrider Foundation and their contribution to stopping the 241 South Toll Road from being built through pristine watershed, the San Mateo Campground and protecting and securing Trestles, a world class surf break, The Panhe ancient indian burial grounds, and also home to 11 endangered species. Mucho Mahalos Surfrider Foundation.
We also drive a natural gas powered Honda Civic GX, the worlds cleanest internal combustion automobile. You could say we are the poster children of the Pickens Plan. Please hit us up for a test drive and ask us about our favorite Honda Dealership!
Accessibility and Equal Access
We are also proud supporters of the California Transcribers and Educators for the Blind and Visually Impaired. CTEBVI works to enhance and improve the lives of those who are BVI from childhood into adulthood by advocating braille literacy, new teaching techniques, and personal independence by offering programs that are new and technically advanced. CTEBVI's mission is to promote excellence and professionalism in braille transcribing and education for persons who are blind or visually impaired.
Synchronicity & Serendipity
There is a curious thing about synchronicity and serendipity, they tend to happen when you are open and receptive to ideas. In more silly moments we refer to the internet as the iChing of the universe, but there is something to be said for having your tools Ready To Go.
The Scientific Method, Bill of Rights, Be Here Now
We are in times of great change and great opportunity. Institutions and structures are changing and morphing more in our lifetime than in prior centuries. It's time to remember our sacred roots.
Mucho Muhalos,
Darin & Lisa
Conversational media sites will come and go, technology will evolve more and more rapidly but the underlying ideas are what is circulating. The power and strength of the ideas behind your message matter and it is the ideas which propel themselves.
We like to share compelling ideas with you. One of our favorite sources is Cross pollinating ideas from other disciplines is powerful. Sharing stories with each other has been how we humans have always shared ideas. Nothing has changed, but now our tools are phenomenal.
By sharing ideas we can come up with new solutions and new venues to connect and grow.Tools are not Appliances.
Our tools are phenomenal, but unlike an appliance, a tool denotes a certain level of skill. By investing in our tools we can learn how to maximize the message of our ideas. Joining the online conversation is modern literacy and should be enjoyed by all who wish to take part. We believe in sharing the skills of conversational media and to empower all to take part.
It's not a generational thing, it's a human thing.Free Speech. Free Minds. Free Markets.
The freedom of information granted via the internet, whether it be citizen journalism capturing live events as they happen, people with common interests and common goals uniting from all corners of the globe, to niche businesses finding unique markets and creative partnerships. It's powerful, it's new and we can make great things happen.
We aren't afraid of our neighbors, we are anxious to meet them.Ohana
Ohana is the Hawaiian word for "family" and is defined in wikipedia as "family in an extended sense of the term including blood-related, adoptive or intentional." It also emphasizes that "families are bound together and members must cooperate and remember one another." In the spirit of Ohana we would like to honor two families whose ideas are near and dear to our hearts.
Everyone lives downstream, Clean Air. Clean Water.
We are proud supporters of The Surfrider Foundation and their contribution to stopping the 241 South Toll Road from being built through pristine watershed, the San Mateo Campground and protecting and securing Trestles, a world class surf break, The Panhe ancient indian burial grounds, and also home to 11 endangered species. Mucho Mahalos Surfrider Foundation.
We also drive a natural gas powered Honda Civic GX, the worlds cleanest internal combustion automobile. You could say we are the poster children of the Pickens Plan. Please hit us up for a test drive and ask us about our favorite Honda Dealership!
Accessibility and Equal Access
We are also proud supporters of the California Transcribers and Educators for the Blind and Visually Impaired. CTEBVI works to enhance and improve the lives of those who are BVI from childhood into adulthood by advocating braille literacy, new teaching techniques, and personal independence by offering programs that are new and technically advanced. CTEBVI's mission is to promote excellence and professionalism in braille transcribing and education for persons who are blind or visually impaired.
Synchronicity & Serendipity
There is a curious thing about synchronicity and serendipity, they tend to happen when you are open and receptive to ideas. In more silly moments we refer to the internet as the iChing of the universe, but there is something to be said for having your tools Ready To Go.
The Scientific Method, Bill of Rights, Be Here Now
We are in times of great change and great opportunity. Institutions and structures are changing and morphing more in our lifetime than in prior centuries. It's time to remember our sacred roots.
Mucho Muhalos,
Darin & Lisa
BWE09 In 8 Min
Blog World & New Media Expo In 8 Min GOT POLE DANCING??? Follow Us on our adventures in deepest Las Vegas #bwe09
The Climate Change Bandwagon
Welcome Aboard!
Greetings and Salutations — Allow me to introduce myself prior to my short Climate Change Bandwagon riff below — I am Christopher Vaccaro, one of the newest members of Team My forte for the past 24 years is Graphic Art and Web Design. Staying current with the latest trends of the web has always been a cross between a labor of love and a strong pain in the buttocks, mostly the latter. It was at those times when I picked up the phone and contacted an old high school friend some 3000 plus miles away. Born with the gift of "the new and trendy" he has always been a trusted source of the latest music, fashion, technology and whatever. Today is no different, currently he and his wife are attending The Blog World Expo in Las Vegas. An event that will help shape the future of Internet Marketing, Conversational Media, and the way we will be using the internet in the months and years to come. If you haven't guessed my friend is Darin McClure, co-founder of Ready To Go Information Technologies. Which I am extremely proud and privileged to be part of.
The Climate Change Bandwagon Riff
Greetings and Salutations — Allow me to introduce myself prior to my short Climate Change Bandwagon riff below — I am Christopher Vaccaro, one of the newest members of Team My forte for the past 24 years is Graphic Art and Web Design. Staying current with the latest trends of the web has always been a cross between a labor of love and a strong pain in the buttocks, mostly the latter. It was at those times when I picked up the phone and contacted an old high school friend some 3000 plus miles away. Born with the gift of "the new and trendy" he has always been a trusted source of the latest music, fashion, technology and whatever. Today is no different, currently he and his wife are attending The Blog World Expo in Las Vegas. An event that will help shape the future of Internet Marketing, Conversational Media, and the way we will be using the internet in the months and years to come. If you haven't guessed my friend is Darin McClure, co-founder of Ready To Go Information Technologies. Which I am extremely proud and privileged to be part of.
With all that we are faced with in our daily lives, the Earth's Climate is something that I have always thought of as something that you just accepted and adapted to. However, it seems there is more that a individual can do than once perceived. In addition, thanks to Obama, The US Government, and all it's taxpayers; there will most likely be a way to put a little coin in your pocket during the process.
RTGit Visits Blogworld 2009
What do you get when you have 2 techno bohemians, 1 cng powered Honda Civic and a bunch of new media types all in one place? Blogworld 2009!
World Keeps Spinning San Clemente
Music Monday World Keeps Spinning (The Brand New Heavies) & San Clemente Seafest Candy Run
Have an iPhone? Are you making your own media, or just using it as a phone?
Psst if you are just using it as a phone, you should have called TMobile...
We Support The Surfrider Foundation
We support the Surfrider Foundation & You should too!
Keep the above "tomorrow" just a fantasy created in a computer.
See you all tonight at the Gala!
What is A Web Browser Anyway?
What is a web browser anyway? And Where Do I download Google Chrome?
Feeling adventurous? Try the Google Chrome Beta!
Not just for betaphiles.
San Clemente Pier Bowl Geocaching
Got Cache? Or are you just a "Muggle"?
Geocaching puts you and your family on a never ending hunt for treasure, and we are sure there is one nearby, go sign up for outdoor family fun for all ages
I shot the 5 Min video on my iPhone 3GS and then using using the Slowmo (3GS iPhone Only) App cut that time bown to 20 seconds! or +16x What's this? A meadow in the pier bowl? We live, work & garden here in the San Clemente Pier Bowl, and it's also a great place to geocache.
Local secret! Park for free on Santa Barbara to begin your walking adventure. From here you can easily search for this cache and many others, be sure to bring a camera!
Things To Do In San Clemente
Walking tour, Farmers Market and First Sunday Street Fair on Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente Ca. Ti Amo Mi Amor...
Looking for more fun things to do in San Clemente? check out
Google Wave in 2min
Did you know that email was invented 40 years ago. The same year as the lava lamp? Google takes a look at what we are doing now in our digital conversations, and asks, what would email look like if we reinvented it today? The answer, that will leave the competition in the dust, is Wave.
PS: We hope this guy got his invite!
Paddling Out To Google Wave
Surf! Whao Surf! Is the only way I say to make music with the wave all day!
Will be playing with Wave all day and update this blog post with my take aways.
First glance, crazy chat everywhere, no need to hit enter...
Wave all your typos go public!
Who's Kool-aid do you drink?
Who mixes it up for you?
Is yours fresh? Or is your batch getting stale?
Is there a Dr. in the house?
What Is Music Monday Anyway?
Q: What do @Blogger & Some Assembly Required have in common? A: 10 Candles! #MusicMonday #meme
Try one of my favorite meme's share your favorite music of the moment with your Ohana. All you need to do is tweet your fav tune and add the hash tag of #MUSICMONDAY. Got a Song ringing in your ears? A favorite podcast, band or international DJ? Music Monday is the time to share it!
We're Better Together
There's no combination of words
I could put on the back of a postcard
No song that I could sing
But I can try for your heart,
our dreams, and they are made out of real things
like a shoebox of photographs
with sepia-toned loving
Love is the answer
at least for most of the questions in my heart, like
Why are we here? And where do we go?
And how come it's so hard?
It's not always easy and
sometimes life can be deceiving
I'll tell you one thing, it's always better when we're together
Mmmm, It's always better when we're together
Yeah we'll look at the stars and we're together
Well, it's always better when we're together
Yeah it's always better when we're together
And all of these moments
just might find their way into my dreams tonight,
But I know that they’ll be gone
when the morning light sings
and brings new things
for tomorrow night you see
that they’ll be gone too,
too many things I have to do
But if all of these dreams might find their way
into my day to day scene
I'd be under the impression
i was somewhere in between
With only two,
Just me and you,
Not so many things we got to do
or places we got to be
We'll sit beneath the mango tree, now,
Yeah It's always better when we're together
Mmmm, we're somewhere in between together
Well, it's always better when we're together
Yeah, it's always better when we're together
MmmMmmmmMmm, Mmm MMmmM
I believe in memories
they look so, so pretty when I sleep
Hey now, and when I wake up,
you look so pretty sleeping next to me
But there is not enough time,
There is no, no song I could sing
and there is no combination of words I could say
but I will still tell you one thing
We're Better together
Got A Reputation?
I don't give a damn about my bad reputation. You're living in the past, it's a new tweeting generation... #ConversationalMedia #Literacy
Got Reputation Management?
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