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Foggy Morning
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Some Assembly Required Dot Net Episode 220.MP3
I Am Thankful For Family, Friends, Kids Dogs, Cats, Pumpkin Pie & You...
Rain all night, still raining now. Hmm this much rain may close San Onofre today. Plan B??
Painting is just another way of keeping a diary. - Picasso
And I hear more rain outside my window, raindance must be working...
24 hours so far, TDay turkey brining in my own special concoction, teriyaki sauce, Coke and garlic... tomorrow we deep fry it on the beach!
Sunset at the Fisherman's, San Clemente Photoset
San Clemente Morning
The Secret of Luck is in you. The Secret is Perspective, Self-Belief and erring on the side of Optimism.
Lotsa rain last night, but the ocean looks calm this morning. Http://
I hear the rain outside my window.
Russian Scholar Predicts Economic Crisis Will Rip America Apart
RT 4 Alton Ref! @LisaMcClure Amazon, Social Media, Alton Brown and Thanksgiving these are a few of my favorite things
asks if Gmail is having issues today...
Twitter Rejects $500 Million Takeover Offer From Facebook, They waiting on the AIG Buyout?

Darin R. McClure's Google Reader Shared Items

Working On a Dream, Free iTunes Single of the Moment From "The Boss" Bruce Springsteen
Hey @Cligs Vanity URL's are Super Boss!
iPhone 2.2 updates best Easter Egg? Improved Battery Performance.
In the noble eightfold path, what is Right Action? Not to kill, not to steal, and not to engage in sexual misconduct....
DOW Up 500 Points
Bottom Or Dead Cat Bounce?
AppleTV, Update, Check, iTunes, Update, Check, iPhone, Update, Check, streetview is cool!!!
Adidas is coming out with "light up shoes" for the All Star in 2010, you heard it here first...
Melt DOW
Paulson is speaking, hold on to your wallet...
Got Shaq? His Tweets Are Shaqalicious
Oh cool, My Gmail themes just went live... settings > themes
oil drops below $50 a barrel...
Notions as causation, succession, atoms, primary elements, are all figments of the imagination and manifestations of the mind. - Buddha
installing Apple TV update 2.3 w00t!!!
yep... looks like the DOW just closed under 8000
will it drop below 8000...
From there to here, from here to there funny things are everywhere. If you never did, you should. These things are fun and fun is good DrS
asks DOW 7000 anyone?
Checking out IE8 Beta,
Scientific proof that you make your own breaks. How to Get Lucky. Got Luck?
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The sad truth is that excellence makes people nervous. - Shana Alexander View of the smoke to the north, and both islands on the pano cam
Realize that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal. - Albert Camus
2 be stupid, selfish, and have good health r 3 requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost. - Gustave Flaubert
3G iPhone Apps A Techie Would Love. (and I do, you may too!!)
Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it. - Big Al
Ella Flips the New World Champ
Victory at sea today. Henry sure was blessed by the surf kahoonas
Talkin Story with Legendary Surfer Mickey Muñoz at the Oxbow World Championship San Onofre
Falling in love is not at all the most stupid thing that people do - but gravitation cannot be held responsible for it. - Big Al
Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill. - Buddha
People are talking to each other again. - CNN on Twitter and Facebook
Some Assembly Required Episode 131 Mp3
Sarah Palin On The Importance Of Filters
Educaching Let the hunt for learning begin!
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