Our Services

RTGit provides web hosting, web design along with the services of search engine optimization, reputation management and what was once called social media. We prefer conversational media because you don't have a social, you have a conversation.

What is not measured is not managed.
A surprising amount of website owners do not look at their analytics. Maybe people are intimidated by numbers and graphs? Analytics can give you great information, insights and opportunities. We believe each business owner should be actively involved and engaged in their analytics. Your website is representing you online and has the unique ability to collect data in a way a brick and mortar store cannot. You need to know who is visiting and what they are looking for. How else will you help them? How else can you grow your business? We help you with this.

Set up objectives and your definition of success.
Everyone wants all the traffic they can get. Everyone wants first place in Google. But is that really the proper definition of success for you? Learning the lexicon of your customers, analyzing their needs and finding their communities online is where your strategy needs to begin.

Web Site Hosting & Design
Web site design begins with objectives and functionality. Web sites are no longer the static brochures that they have been in the past. Web sites are dynamic hubs of activity and conversation. Web sites should be built to meet your goals whether that is conversions for your business, donations for your non profit, spreading your message, sharing a new product line, campaigning for a cause or pure self expression. Web sites tell your story and become the digital representation of you online. The days of the Yellow Pages are over. We design sites to help you meet your objectives and to grow your identity online.

Search Engine Optimization
The process of making your site easy to find on the internet via search engines is the crux of search engine optimization. Discovering the keywords and phrases which will draw the traffic you are targeting, analyzing data to insure you are serving your visitors and building organic landing pages with relevant, recent and local content to serve your clients and potential clients.

Reputation Management and Trending Topics
Opportunity and Synchronicity come to those who are prepared and listening.
Sometimes we don't know what we don't know. But don't worry there is an app for that. We can show you strategies to gather and aggregate timely and important information which can help you stay abreast of anything from industry new, trending topics, social change to what is being said online regarding your company.

Conversational Media Campaign
Be the media. Creative Media Making.
Tapping into web conversations to engage with your community in order to contribute and convert. When at least 25% of top search engine placement is from user generated content it behooves anyone with an investment in their internet presence to become a media maker. The media makers are shifting from the large corporate networks to small grassroots production. You would be amazed at what can be done with an iPhone. And we will teach you how to make and share that media and even more importantly how to monitor and take part in the conversation which follows.

For more information on how our services can get you Ready To Go contact us at Ready To Go Information Technologies.

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