Jaws of the Joker

Batman is forced to challenge the Joker in a head-to-head surfing competition. The right to shred Sunova Beach hangs in the balance. Will Batman save the day? Or will the...

San Clemente Tsunami Warning 2010

Today at Noon a Tsunami may hit the San Clemente Coast, Please Seek Higher Ground! The following list gives estimated times of arrival for locations along the North American Pacific...

Happy Birthday Bad Papa

Some people need to be seen to be believed, Bad Papa, not to be confused with Papa Gordon......

Isms Make Mine Freedom

Today as we look forward to "Health Care Reform" we take the time to look back to 194...

Walk up Del Mar Continued...

As we continue our walk up Del Mar, we stop at one of our fav foodie establishments, The Cellar 156 Avenida Del Mar San Clemente, CA 92672 (949) 492-3663 Where...

San Clemente Farmers Market Every Sunday

From San Clemente Farmers Market Every Sunday Our weekly Sunday walk up Del Mar in San Clemente, checking out the Farmers Market and window shopping. San Clemente Farmers Market Sundays...

San Clemente Pier Bowl PhotoSynth

May you live in a place with summer rental signs, The San Clemente Pier Bowl Area is one of Southern California's Hidden Jewels, Come for a day, Stay for a lifetime... Enjoy...

Thank You StumbleUpon

"You'll never meet anyone if you don't leave your house," is what my friends said. And not that I would recommend staying in and Stumbling to find love, but it sure worked...

It's What We Live For

when we communicate with one another and we feel that we have connected and we think we are understood I think we have a feeling of almost spiritual communion and that feeling...

Public Forums, Twitter Streams and Representation

From Public Forums, Twitter Streams and Representation At 3 pm Monday afternoon Darin and I met with Ted Nguyen and Ryan Maloney of the OCTA to discuss the projected Tweet stream,...

Transparency and Open Government

Forum from Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary 3. a. used to mean a public meeting, a lecture involving audience discussion b. a...

What I Want the Transit Forum to Hear

From What I Want the Transit Forum to Hear I have used public transportation in both the Los Angeles Metro area and the Orange County Metro area. As a young adult I had health issues,...

If You Say You Are Transparent You Better Be Transparent

Rendering authenticity is the value to which businesses will be held. In Joseph Pine's Ted Talk he shares the 3 rules business must follow in order to render the value of authenticity....

I Want My Disney Style Monorail!

We are headed to the biggest traffic jam ever seen by man... but there is a solution, and Walt started it in 1959, Now is the time to go back, So we can all move forward. And...

Happy Birthday Rosa Parks

Happy Birthday Rosa Parks, and to everyone else who is not content with sitting in the back of the bus... Are you ready for change...

Don McLean American Pie

A long, long time ago I can still remember how that music used to make me smile And, I knew if I had my chance that I could make those people dance, and... Maybe they'd be happy...

Punxsutawney Phil Says Six More Weeks Of Winter

Punxsutawney Phil prognosticator of prognosticators is only right 40% of the time. Are you ready for the tha...

Groundhog Day In Gobbler's Knob

If Punxsutawney Phil exits his Gobbler's Knob burrow on Feb 2 & fails to see his shadow, He will leave it & winter will soon end. If he sees his shadow, Phill will retreat...
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